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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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Re: Do you fear Islam ?

i dont think muslims and non muslims can live in hamony,not when they come into our country and try banning british celebrations such as chritmas and st georges day because its raist to them but hold on THIS IS ENGLAND.I do fear islam because its only a matter of time before there is a muslim prime minister and they take over completely.The goverment dont give a **** dick heads like maggie thatcher and tony blair are ruining this country,england who once long before my time was feared by the world now were the laughing stock,the pushovers,the muggs of the world.I do however respect the way muslims stick together and do potest for there beleives and that is something all us brits who actually care about this county of ours despreatly need to do,come together as one and force the goverment to do somthing before its to late

Re: Do you fear Islam ?

Islam as a RELIGEON should not be feared, rather the radical elements within the religeon mis-interpreting the philosyphy. What perterbs me is that many of that faith have fled their countries and saught sanctuary in the UK. Now within this "community" there's now radical elements who wish to subjugate this and other countries into a similar state from which they fled. The people are a soft touch here and it will take much to bring them to the "boil". I truly believe we are "simmering" at the moment and there is a growing resentment at our "headless chicken" governments inadequacy to curtail them.Certainly it was evident at that second march thru' the town of our boys back from the war. More than 20'000 people turned up to greet them and if any-one had behaved as shockingly as the last bunch of radical Islamists, they would'nt hesitate to proceed to panelbeat them to a pulp.It was once said in my "second" homeland...Do not wake the sleeping tiger. My friends I'm afraid the tiger is wakening!

Re: Do you fear Islam ?

I agree in most with the two statements. I only want people to stop saying England when they mean Britain. It has caused a lot of problems. If you don't know what i mean then rethink what mean by Britain and being a Patriot to the UK and the Union Flag.

Re: Do you fear Islam ?

Why is it that most of the posters on here can't spell or even write English?

Re: Do you fear Islam ?

Hi-lo st George, Is ee 'n teecha or wat??