A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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Stuck in the middle of a desert

You suddenly wake up and your standing in the middle of a desert. You look around you and all you see is sand, you've never felt so alone in your life. You start running and it seems like miles and miles and you see no-one, but you keep on running. Suddenly you see some-one to your right in the distance and they're running in the same direction. You keep on running and another figure appears on your left and they're also running in the same direction. You have more incentive to run in that direction 'cos suddenly your not alone. Ahead in the distance you spy others, and as you run more and more people appear and your all headed the same way. You start to climb up a sand dune and you're amazed to see suddenly the whole nation is standing there before you, 'cos you've all come together and you realize you've all met for the same reason....SAVE BRITAIN