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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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The BRITISH party

Hi, was on google and searched for The British party. There is'nt one. BNP yes. UKIP,yes, but no British party. Would'nt it be nice to have a British party with all the british values, honour and conduct? A party that has no aggression or racism, a party that based itself on capitalism and not socialism. Socialism has brought this country to the brink where you have a mindless population who adheres to every dictate from the socialist regime. Capitalism creates work and jobs. Socailism is a state that subjugates a nation, you just have to look at soviet influenced states all over the world to realise socialism does'nt work. Socialism despises christianity. The new USSR has of course changed it's identity and calls itself The European union, which now dictates (to what were independant nations)the where's and what of these country's welfare.We're heading to that abyss. Is it not NOW! time for the creation of The BRITISH party??