A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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People and culture from far and wide made this land. I would suggest we look at us as a lump of rock. I for one have know problem with culture or religon as long as it does not tell me what to do. I love this land i tred. i wish it to thrive and be fruitful. I don't what people to keep plundering it and giving nothing back. The celtic peoples were from europe. The romans. The Anglo Saxons, The Normans, The Royal family they are made up of Spanish Greek French and Germans. I think we need to stand back ask questions. Who told you what it is to be British. Half our History is missing in the Education system. Start there and bring up our kids with the truth. When they talk of the evil that was Hitler they leave out the war crimes commited by the Alies strange that. How many British soldiers raped and murderd others. None i here you say. Read your History between the lines. Then we will get to the bottom of being Bitish