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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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it seems to me that in GREAT BRITAIN today we are living in a culture of mass media (tv, internet, newspapers), we are drowning in over hyped hysteria on subjects that need - "ACTION NOT WORDS".

it reminds me of an old boss of mine, whenever he asked me to do something, he expected me to do it, if i did not know how, i was expected to find out myself, by asking others, looking it up in a book, etc - the last thing he wanted was for me to return to him without it.
he used to say "I WANT RESULTS NOT EXCUSES"! and although it made me feel inferior at the time, it did teach me a lot about life and personal responsibility for your actions.

with this in mind, something that really gets under my skin when it comes to the media and excuses.

how many times have we all sat down to watch tv because a tragic/horrible situation has unfolded, that could have been avoided, in hindsight (examples - baby .p., victoria coloubia, b.s.e, foot and mouth, medical negligence,etc,etc).

the spokesperson, always appears with the same old line, "we could not have forseen" - soundbite!!! then goes on to say how sorry the company/individual is and that "WE HAVE TAKEN STEPS THAT THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN"!!


thank you for reading.