A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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in these times of woe within GREAT BRITAIN, when it seems that not a day goes by when we hear yet another story that shocks us about criminal activity, the police, the law, sentences and how we as a country (great britain) deal with crime, we have to all take a good hard look at the system we have in place and the way we deal with criminals.

there is no doubt in my mind that we have one of the best law/justice systems in the world. we have to have police otherwise there would be anarchy in GREAT BRITAIN, but i can see that the "cancer" that is the human rights act and all the do-gooder liberals, who think they are helping criminals by letting them "get away with it" and then laughing at our criminal justice system - must be stopped.

the police in general terms are starting to get an attitude that says "why bother because we do not get a conviction in court anyway" - so they dont!!! - and can you blame them(im not knocking the police, just the system).

the courts don't help - sentencing is pathetic and the judges usually use one of two excuses for a suspended, light or non prison sentence - either, the jails are full to bursting! (please see my next forum topic - prisons or hotels), or they have to sentence within the law!! - ok, change the law as its getting pathetic(for example a convicted child sex abuser gets 2 years with 50% off for good behaviour and a tax evader gets 15 years?? ok, both are bad crimes but something is clearly wrong here??)

lets have some positive action here but be careful of their human rights!!

thank you for reading.