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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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just stop and think how many things have changed, some for the better and some for the worst in the last 100 years.

look back in the history books to 1909.

we had only just invented flying, telephones, light bulbs,medicines, motor car,etc,etc. our death/mortality rate was bad, wealth was limited to a select few,the moon was just a dream.

then think back in history to the previous 500 years (1409 - 1909) - there were a few major inventions, improvements, change in peoples lives and environment but the change was much,much slower.

now, look at how far we have come since 1909 (100 years) - the pace of change has been unbelievable - space flight/stations/sattilites, flight, computers, sat nav, cloning, IVF, ipod mobile phones,wasteful throwaway society,global warming,etc,etc. - QUITE FRIGHTENING THE PACE OF CHANGE!!

now, if we agree that the past 100 years has changed the world in an unreconisible way in such a short span of time, then what will the next 100 years bring us?

in GREAT BRITAIN 3009 will todays children, with all the luxuries, technology and attitude,etc of modern living, who pass these attitudes onto their children, who in turn rule our country in 3009 - be any better prepared than we are?

that is frightening!

thank you for reading