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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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Who do you think should lead a new party in the UK

Do you know anyone who could lead this country back from the brink of disaster ?

Who would you suggest and why ?

Re: Who do you think should lead a new party in the UK

whoever leads our new political party must have a strong conviction for GREAT BRITAIN and be a conviction politician.

preferably , right of centre but not too much to the right(BNP/RACISM/NAZIS,etc).

the only two with a political background, i can think of would be :-

ANN WIDECOMBE - (shame on the liberal tories for hounding her out for her standing up for britishness/royalty/decent human values).

PETER HITCHEN - (daily/sunday mail columist - holds the similar views about britishness and decency as we all do - he is asked on a weekly basis on his blog/daily mail to start a new political party - have a read - there are more of us out there than you think!!)

something has to be done?