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BNP Membership list

Quite surprised to not that no one has yet raised this topic. Any views on this at all ?

Re: BNP Membership list

Unfortunately, this topic and all others mentioned on this site are irrelevant. this site has died a death and so has Britain
The bulldog has been replaced by a muslim mutt!

Re: BNP Membership list PART 1

My name was on the recently leaked BNP list. Why was it there ?

It was there because I, like a massive proportion of the UK population was looking for some kind of hope in a world that has apparently gone mad.
I have great pride in what my ancestors have gone through and the reasons they went through it. Britain became great and proud as a nation because it was a nation prepared to fight to defend peoples rights here and abroad and to stand up against tyrannical leaders worldwide.
I have been deeply involved with people who experienced great loss at the hands of the Nazis, my own family included and sob my heart out like anyone else when I see the atrocities carried out by them. Ive yet to get through Schindlers List without feeling repulsed by what happened.
I can honestly say I am not a racist. This NOT a get out as I have heard coming from one or two listed people but because it is true.
I count many black and Asian friends amongst those I know and have known.
Indeed one of my closest friends settled here from India in recent years.
All, of those people if asked would absolutely reiterate this.
I am greatly interested in other religions. I love to talk to people from other cultures and view them not as a threat or a focus of hatred but as I would any person.
I am genuinely interested and have immersed myself in other cultures for most of my working life. I evaluate people on their qualities not their colour and always have.
So why is my name on that list ?
A year or so ago I started looking on the internet at ALL of the political parties in the UK. I read each manifesto in detail looked at all of the websites.
I feel totally disgusted by the way in which public money has been and continues to be spent.
I feel deeply upset by the way in which our old people are being treated. Leaving them too frightened to heat their homes – a feeling extended to all recently.
I am so sick and tired of turning on the news and seeing an old gentleman or woman, of whatever race or colour, beaten and bruised by some thug or some nasty piece of work that passes them selves off as a carer.
Or some decent law abiding person who has had their life taken whilst trying to defend themselves or others, or grafted for property.
Ive had enough of reading reports of gang violence or of decent kids being murdered by other children. Seeing morons on TV and on the streets, who talk with a lingo all of their own and think it is cool to carry a knife, taunt an old lady in front of a camera phone or who think it is funny to shoot a cat with an air gun or worse still, a kid coming home from football.
I am so sick of hearing of people being scammed and of the whats in it for me ? culture that has grown like a cancer in our country.
I am sick of seeing government departments failing to do the jobs they are paid BY US to do and overcharging us for not doing.
Children, old folks people suffering because of those who should have offered total reliability, have failed to deploy common sense, perhaps because it wasn’t covered in the training manual.
I have worked within such corporate set ups ! The waste that goes on is insane !
I have also experienced – luckily only for a very short period – going to the jobcentre. The staff there treat you as a no mark from the moment you walk in. They saunter around the office looking almost conceited in their position of having a job when you have not.
I have worked also on the other side of the fence, helping kids from tough backgrounds and also in the benefits field myself. I am fully aware of the attitudes that exist within.
When I look at the financial situation our country is in, when I read about the no go areas in some towns and cities I feel only sadness and anger.
I desperately hope for a reignition of Britains manufacturing industry but all I see each day is another British firm closing its doors. More people having their pride stripped away.
I drive or walk among the wastelands of what was a prosperous manufacturing base and I feel sad as I see the factories crumbling, taken over as back street warehouses full of imported rubbish, or demolished to make way for yet more development to house a rapidly increasing population.
I guess when we get to population this is where the race card comes in.
Almost all of the mainstream parties have admitted to major issues on immigration. Gordon Brown himself was quoted only recently as saying ‘British jobs for British workers’. Does this make him a racist ? Probably about as racist as me.

Re: BNP Membership list PART 2

With regard to immigration, there is scarcely a day passes where the public fed figures are not reported as flawed.
Lets face it, the governement lose so much data on a daily basis they couldn’t possibly have a clue about how many people are actually in the country and it is a widely reported fact that the UKs resources cannot cope any more with this influx of people.
I fully support legitimate asylum seekers being allowed to seek refuge here.
Britain has indeed been a great protector of nations in its past and Im so proud of our record on helping those who need it.
At some point though we must differentiate between ‘genuine need’ and a freeloading approach. The same applies to the benefits system, the NHS, the education system and housing issues.
There are many freeloaders, of all sectors of society out there who are not worthy of what they receive. From the lazy sponger who thinks the country owes them a living to the fat cats who have so blatantly robbed our financial system.
It really is not about Black, White, Sikh, Asian, Jew, Muslim, none muslim, Polish, etc etc
Whilst studying the party manifestos I was somewhat taken aback by the similarity in terms used by all of them. The basic fact being that the BNP website expressed no , more a racist view than the others.
Indeed many of the national newspapers have echoed public concerns about immigration levels and of the erosion of British culture.
Outwardly some of BNPs policies have a massive appeal to the general population of Britain, including those of other ethnic backgrounds.
I was still however wary of being misled. With Labour, the Tories and so on it doesn’t take much to see that it is mostly spin. Heaven knows they have not got much of a record for delivery !
With the BNP it was not so clear cut.
Here was a party saying the things that I was hearing daily from colleagues, friends, neighbours, associates and in the press but was somehow still tarred with a brush dipped way back when the likes of the National Front were about.
But this party was listing the real issues in Britain and seemed to be offering some hope for change.
I was particularly impressed by their stance on countryside issues.
I am extremely passionate about the countryside and protecting it from money hungry developers. Their land and heritage section offered a real sense of someone actually caring and not wanting to just use a development as a vote winner or as a smear on the opposition councillors in an area.
I liked the sound of their policies on crime and punishment. I believe criminals should receive justice. Not leave the victims serving the life sentence whilst the perpetrators are supported and molly coddled back into society often to reoffend.
I agree that parents and teachers and the police should be better empowered to deal with the issues our modern society faces.
I read the articles on immigration closely and having gay friends I also attempted to reference issues such as homophobia. Before going further I actually emailed the BNP to ask specifically about the parties views on both of these things.
I received a prompt, professional and very curteous reply from one of their female representatives who assured me that those days had gone and there was no problem with gay people nor race in general terms. I was in fact quite surprised by the response.
Still having niggling suspicions, but wanting so much, as so many in this country do, to see change happen, I sent off the registration requesting more information. I really and truly believed that by doing so I would get beyond the gloss of the website and find out whether indeed the Leopard may have changed its spots. I genuinely hoped that it had.
Within a very short time I was both disgusted and ashamed to see that the party’s website was indeed just consealing things which I cannot and DO NOT support.
Racism and homophobia are still very deep rooted in the party be it in the membership or in the leadership but one thing was for sure
Clearly the Leopard had not changed its spots !
My connection with the BNP ceased and again like many others in this country I was left disappointed that they do not have answers that decent people, which I continue to count myself among, seek.

Re: BNP Membership list PART 3

When the news broke about the list being released, I will admit I felt violated and also a little intimidated. The UK is supposedly a democracy and it is my recognised human right to support the BNP if I so wish. The fact remains that I do not support them.

The initial media coverage particularly on the internet yet again has added fuel and offered a hugely biased view of what has occurred.
One blog even suggested the necessary ingredients to make a fire bomb !
The media reporting of the housing crisis, the credit crunch, immigration and crime only serve to amplify this countrys’ problems and create a hype which has had knock on effects of serious stature.
Where is the line between sensible reporting and fanning the flames to be drawn?
I deeply value what others think of me and I know in my heart that I am not what the media on some sides have chosen to paint members of this list as.
If anything Im guilty of being a bit gullible but other than that my integrity is fully intact.

I am not a racist, I cheered like mad when Obama won, I think he may just offer real hope for the future. I cried like the rest when I saw those dear veterans of the wars laying their wreaths at the cenotaph and Im one of the first to dip in and donate when the collection box is rattled – whether it be Children In Need, Floods in India or famine in Africa.
I don’t think anyone really wants to see Nick Griffin and co in number 10 and in reality I certainly don’t. Britain though is in serious danger of the masses moving toward the BNP as I almost did, unless something changes very soon.
I am just one of millions of normal people hoping for change and in search of a new leadership that can once again restore Britains values.
Values which include tolerance, respect and compassion but also include justice and integrity, fairness, a right to free speech and hopefully, once again, pride.
If anyone knows a man or woman who can lead the country to restore these values, of whatever race, colour, creed please let me know.