A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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its about time

I am pleased to see that there are people out there that feel as stongly about britain as i do. it is becoming beond a joke we are not alound to say what we feel however innocent without being racest, sexest, agest, (if that is a word) or any other kind ism or ist at the end. one of the problems we have is the are far to many people either scared mardy or think they are doing good. please dont get me in the wrong way i have nothing against any race sex age or religion but i am getting angrier each day with what i hear on the news, polititions that would make oliver cromwell turn in his grave that either steal or let other establistments and busnessess steal our hard earned money. (i hope im not boring you sorry), white british people beling made to suffer and stuggle while illegal and legal immergrants are given roofs food and work, and yet there are far to many homless british people willing to work start a family and live a honest quiet life. you are all getting the jist of what im bangging on about the only thing is how do we get the ball rolling. i would happerly donate money to a corse to help britain get back on its feet i would however like to know how this will all start. you get my backing im a 23 year old male with a english and welsh back ground who feel my love and pride should be returned from my nation. remeber this is the race of people who got into there fishing boats went across the channel to bring our soldiers home ask yourselfs would we do it today... i dont think enough would, whats happened ?