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new political Party

hello All Pariots i am looking to start a crusade for this great counrty by way of a new political party and i need help your help to make it work! please read below and if you would consider this option and would like to join and help start this crusade for us and our families please mail me at stevemax@blueyonder.co.uk

if not good luck but be warned!

1) Patriot; As a P we believe in the ‘One’ concept –
One Nation
One Culture
One law

This is because this view promotes stability within the social frame work of a nation by standardising all within, both socially and culturally. Promotes the national effectiveness when dealing with social and criminal issues, cuts out any dilution of national identity as happens when introducing a ‘Multi’ approach (the biggest effect of Multiculturalism is the diluting and changing of the indigenous cultures/laws to accommodate other beliefs / traditions).
In essence One Nation serving One Culture under One law

2) Law:
As a P we believe that the law of this land cannot be compromised or bargained with, crime must be punished appropriately when committed. No more can we allow the ‘human rights’ of criminals supersede that of the victims rights to justice or more over, that of societies need for the crime to be punished and justice done. No more can the rights of the individual override that of the masses. Punishment must be swift and harsh to set example and to deter the criminal.
As a society living within a social network we shall afford the rights and safety of every individual that chooses to live within this society and uphold their rights jealously, those who choose not to will not be afforded such treatment or rights……

3) Culture;
The Most defining attribute of any nation! Our culture will be promoted at all times, without conscience or fear of offence or retribution. No longer will our historical gains and achievements be a cause of embarrassment and ridicule, we are Great solely because of this and our aim is to zealously and fanatically celebrate this. WE SHALL NOT dilute our culture for any thing or any one! we as a free country do not have the right to give away what has been given to us through our forefathers blood and toil.

We will actively promote the traditions of our culture through education, brining into line the forgotten values, values that have taken hundreds of years to learn cultivate and hone into what has made us Great! We must implement these well earned values onto our children so that they can benefit from these experiences and be valued members of our society. These values are being eroded in favour of quick gains and ease of life.

We as P also need to inject the subject of Morales and morale behaviour in to the mix so as to ensure some area of respect within our society; from the highest places of power within the country to the children’s play ground we must ensure we are morally just and not lacking morality.

We as P will start a long road of ‘example setting’ we will live by the same sword as we yield, we will endeavour to act in accordance with our conscience and the nations conscience we will not say one thing and do another for the sake of personal gain or sound bites the essence of today’s politics will not be carried in to the P’s manifesto or behaviour so we will not be adopting the current way of life within politics but creating a new one!

Re: new political Party

Interesting stuff Steve.
Nice to hear from someone who is willing to stand up to this madness. Lets hope more and more replies come in on this - Please, fellow Patriots let us know your views on Steves' postings.
Lets really get this nation talking about whats really going on.

Re: new political Party

Hello Web master

we need to re-establish the site and get it moving again!

This could be our avenue!