A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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New Order

I am new viewer of this site and I would like to start by saying well done to the creator, this is what I have been looking for some time. This country has lost its way due to leaders that have abandoned all that is sacred to this nation and steered us away from national pride, honour and respect a country whose culture has influenced the entire world over the past 1000 years, whose warriors fought oppressors freed the imprisoned and brought salvation to those who needed it! This nation’s culture once was the Die from which others would aspire, has now replaced by a culture of weakness brought about by Political Correctness greed and the fear of offending those who hate us and our ways! This is not a skin colour issue or issue of other cultures yielding to our way of life! This is about the survival of our nation the survival of our heritage! make no mistake we are facing a threat to the English way of life! Well I say NO and we must make a stand and fight now or lose it forever, I want to start a new campaign a just and moral campaign to save this Great nation! I want to acknowledge the sacrifice of my fore fathers and say you did not die in vain you died for us for freedom and for a belief that this Nation is great and worth the sacrifice