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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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Youth Crime in Britain - Taking Action!

I can't tell you how glad I am to see a whole message board of people speaking sense!

Looking at a list I've found of no less than fifty victims of teenage murderers (which took no longer than an hour and a half to find), I'm in a state of shock at not only the murders, but the way each one was carried out, and for little or usually NO reason.

I've just started organising a march around London to raise the issue of youth crime and violence. Something needs to be done before there are more victims, and I can't change it, but we can show people that it matters to us and that we have the power to force action from the government. Strength in numbers!

I'd be grateful if you could check it out. The country needs people like you to drag it out of this rut.


Re: Youth Crime in Britain - Taking Action!

yes. action is needed on 2 fronts. the perpetrators need a really harsh punishment and we need to return to the structured family unit.

how can someone who flips and kills someone on a bus because he was told to stop throwing chips be allowed to do less than 25 years? easy - just say you didn't mean to do it!

good luck with the march.