A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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know who to vote?

its a real shame that maybe this site should be called appathy in the uk. so i feel its time to speak my mind. yes its a disgrace the way this once great country is going, i cant help but wonder what the queen thinks about whats happening, or does she even care??? It seems to me theres one thing we all have in common, we should all be supporting the BNP. yes they are the only party who actually care about us native brittons and our country.
well id love to know all your views on what i think, wether you aggree or not, there sure needs to be a lot more said on this site.

Re: know who to vote?

I have to agree. I love this country - every little corner of it. But what we have now is not Great Britain but just an island off France that is populated by millions of people too many, who care not one bit about this country and who hope to gain financially out of it rather than add to it. Take the case of a Somali "refugee" who can't return to Somalia because she won't get £35,000 in hand-outs a year off her government. in fact she will get nowt. SHe has also had 5 children since she came here in 2002.

Armageddon for Britain? It is funny about the Queen. I had the exact same thought yesterday - does she care? If so she should say something. Her loyalty lies to her people and not to her Government. !!

Re: know who to vote?

read my post 'new politcal party' do it because you care