A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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no control

I cant help but ask, what sort of future do the children of britain have to look forward to? (dont get me wrong i dont want to sound racist or lead anyone to think im getting at somthing that im not,this is just a fair comment as far as im concerned)
As things are so far a huge percentage of us work harder and harder just to get by. we are finding money to pay for an increase in fuel costs,road tax costs, general food costs, council tax costs,well lets face it the list is endless, and yet wages dont increase at the same level,
Its near on impossible for many to get on the property ladder, and for those that can must feel like they are taking a big,big big gamble.
So while the Englishman is busy working hard, doing overtime and fighting hard to support his family and achieve these things, This country is accepting foreign people to take our jobs by working for a low income. They are given a home to live in, whilst there are people born and living in this country who cant afford their own home,and whilst Mr immigrant is living and working here he is claiming benefits for his family at home. What really twists the knife is that a huge number of people already living in England had been over paid family tax credits and are now having to find more money to pay them back!?!... surly if we are claiming that benefit, then we must need & rely on it.
The goverment are failing us, they are causing ill feeling between us brits and Mr immigrant and his family. After all if it wasnt for all the taxes we pay there wouldn't be the opportunity for the foreign worker to live and work here to the standard that he does.
So why dont we get treated fairly???????????

Re: no control

Simple innit?Pander to all the minorities and they will likely vote labour,along with the extra 1 million public sector workers they've hired in the last 10 years.It's called buying votes.You,me and johnny average get shafted cos there's not enough of us who care enough to make a difference