A discussion area about Britain and its issues.


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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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whats greart about britian

in englands green and pleasant land ,this quatation is fast becoming a joke ,i,m sitting watching panaroma and i all of a sudden feel sickened what was once a country i was proud to live in, is quickly becoming the the rubbish dump of europe .How long do we all sit saying nothing ,maoning ,about issues that we all have a god given right ,to stand up and say enough is enough ,if we have a right to vote ,does nt this mean we have a say .Does this goverment really believe we want so many imagrants that we become a minority in our own land .street by street say farewell to england ,slowly but surely.

Re: whats great about britian

I can't argue with many of your points as we most certainly are seen as the easy touch of Europe, handing out money and homes to anyone who comes here. But don't give up on the UK. There is still a lot to fight for. I used to work in the Middle East. There is no democracy, people drive like selfish nutters on the road, and if you're not muslim you are a second classs citizen. There is no politeness - nobody says thank you when you hold open a door for them, nobody looks at their mirrors when they drive.

This is still a good place to live in comparison with most of the world. But we do need to kick up a fuss through sites like this and we will be taken more seriously than just ranting like a moron about kicking people out. Reasoned debate and growing numbers of like-minded people will change things for the better. Keep on with the fight. We CAN stop the rot. British people don't give up.

Re: whats greart about britian

nothin now

Re: whats greart about britian

Geraint - British people don,t give up. True. Soon British people will be outnumbered. Mathematics will testify to that when the majority of immigrants ,legal or not have 5 or 6 children and british couples have less than 2. Bye bye culture, bye bye heritage, hello chaos.