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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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Do you think we need the troops into the flood affected disaster areas ?

Re: Floods

Where was the help when South Yorkshire was flooded?Just cos the North's filled with traditional Labour voters,the government ignored us.Because the South has a mix of voters,the government is trying to score political points by appearing to react fast.ALL flood victims should be getting help,not just the ones that are south of Watford

Re: Floods

Barnsley, i echo your sentiments (though i would stipulate the border of concern being the Watford Gap (services on the M1) rather than Watford area of London). While i may be only an individual i guarantee if given the oportunity i could and would be able to assist in the areas struck by floods. I'm lucky enough to live on a decent sized hill, my parents are on a big hill, the house i'm working on is up the side of a steep valley, and even the farm i work at is (generally) unscathed by the huge amounts of rain so the water levels don't trouble me directly.

However i am (during the summer) heavy employed by the building trade and i am well aware of the damage potential of event he slightest amount of water, and would NOT like to loose my home and posessions to flood damage.

While perhaps not the same severity, look at how emergency services from all over the world pulled together in the aftermath of 9/11, while this country is too busy with pointless battles in the middle east to look after it's own. While i am not old enough to remember an empire, this country once held the respect and admiration of all civilised countries, now in a state of decay and disrepair the country is often ignored as being non important! The problems caused by the flooding presents the perfect opportunity to unite this country and prove that there might still be a slim chance of recovering its former self!

Re: Floods

Charity begins at home.Why doesn't Greedy Gordon divert some of the £8 BILLION that he's pledged to Africa?Don't get me wrong,I sympathise with the plight of the Aficans,but in the last 25 years they've had billions in aid,to what effect?Bugger all.Isn't it time we invested in our own country to make us prosperous,then pledge any surplus when we are in a position to do so?