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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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Great site but are we not too late

Whilst the effort to re-ignite national pride is a great one, do you not think it is too late.

When one considers the complete overview of the mire our once great country has arrived in, I wonder if the answer leaps out at everyone else as it appears to to me.

The NHS is in a mess, dirty, understaffed, underfunded.

The education system is understaffed, under funded and under pressure from the most rediculous PC policing.

We have built on flood plains to house too many people that shouldnt even be here.
Our cities are flooding as a result.

We have too many cars on the roads, congestion is on an all time high making the environmental issues worse on all fronts forcing nature from our island and costing our overstretched businesses time and money.
Our industry has been replaced by a nation of warehousers bringing in cheap imported rubbish instead of offering the great quality on which great brands were built and British people had pride in.

Even our true greats such as British Steel are now in the hands of India, our car industry dead, our coal industry dead, our textile industry dead.
Is it any wonder our kids are turning bad in the face of no hope, following the lead of ethnic gangsters who lets face it can afford a far better lifestyle than idigenous kids.

Housing prices have soared beyond the reaches of the young british people. Jobs, once abundent are now given to those who will undercut just to be here.

Our once great and green country, which boasted the best education in the world, the best NHS, some of the best quality brand names in the world is now too small to even look after its old people properly.

Do I need to go on ???
The answer just seems so clear.

Reduce the number of people here, stop more coming in.

Result =
Less cars - less pollution, less environmental destruction.
No need to kill our land for road expansions.
Less NHS patients therefore no need for immigrant labour - doctors, cleaners etc.
Lower school class sizes, more attention to English speaking kids. Reduction in the ability of extremists to infiltrate our young people and indoctrinate them.
Less gun crime, less drugs - Its a known fact that many of the main suppliers in this country are immigrants.
Lower crime 13 out of the 15 most wanted in the UK are of foreign origin.
Less need for more housing. It was said on tv this week that we need to build 200 houses per day for 20 years to house the immigrants coming in in the future.

Im no Einstein, but even I can see where the answers lie and they all point very clearly at one solution.

Re: Great site but are we not too late

Thanks for posting on our new message boards.
In response to your posting;

There are many clear issues with Britain and as mentioned on our front page it brings a lump to the throat to think of what has gone so badly wrong.
Indeed the point you raise is probably in keeping with hundreds of thousands of people in Britain, albeit not recognised by our so called democratically elected leaders.
The solution however is much deeper than a race thing.
There is a huge clash of cultures going on it is true but the underlying loss of values in our own indigenous people is also very much a part of what is going wrong. Multicultural Britain is a disaster too.
There ARE too many people being allowed to come here.
That is the prevailing message we are getting from our poll. 100% of people voting so far have told us that they do not think of patriotism as racism.
We must make this so clear, as that is our belief too.

Simple common sense tells anyone that an island group the size of the UK which, given the severe weather of late and the signals of tidal rises actually starting to happen is getting smaller and will continue to do so - Simple equation;
Reducing landmass - over population continuing to rise = Major impact on everything and everyone.

The housing situation in relation to flood plains, immigration etc etc is totally at loggerheads. Nature has its own mechanism of dealing with rain. That is what flood plains are for.
Years of government by ALL parties Labour and Conservative are guilty of eating up the land for revenue.
For years local town planners have entered their shady deals and grown fat off the land which belongs to our sovereign and her people. Many many accounts can be found relating to "public consultations" and objections that have been overidden for financial reasons. We hope to feature some of these shortly.
Clearly the issue of land for housing people who shouldnt be here is a huge one and that has to be something that changes. We dont need more houses, we need a reduction of the people here and a total stop to all immigration except the genuinely legitimate cases.
Britain has had pride in its past of sticking up for the underdog, its a part of what we are, when the underdog, when turns and bites you there has to be an issue !
We want honesty like yours, we are not about rascist rants, we are about truth, and absolutely stand by the belief that truth may hurt but is always the best way forward
We will also be carrying a feature about the floods and the impact on Britain of global warming.
We plan to add some more about the individual issues that you raise.
So please add us to your favourites and visit us again soon.

Re: Great site but are we not too late

It seems that what you say is common sense to the majority of the population. I agree almost completely with what you are saying as does everyone i talk to. What people want and what the government has delivered in the last 10 years are the opposite. As it is this country is doomed. A multicultural mess!

The is also little hope for the future. A glance at the polling statistics will tell you that. Since i was a teenager i have been hugely patriotic - bred into me. There are no young people voting in your poll. they don't care and they are not interested. Its the me, me, me generation.

Good luck.

Re: Great site but are we not too late

My father fought for this country in WW2.
His father fought in WW1.
I am ashamed of this country now.
It is a third world shambles who's politicians care more about any citizen of the world than they do about their own people. What I can't understand is, we all know its wrong to have mass uncontrolled immigration and most British people want to preserve the British way of life,so why do we keep voting for this spineless apology of a government who seem hell bent on destroying it?
Those poor young men and women who gave their lives so that this country could be great must be weeping in Heaven.
Good luck in your campaign. I suspect many British people would love to join your movement but are terrified of the "Thought Police" and being branded a racist.

Re: Great site but are we not too late

Thanks for the messages so far.
Keep them coming !
Panorama really was an eye opener to many Im sure.
I have to admit to being amazed at the scale on which this is happening.

Many of the messages reaching us are saying that "We need change now, It cannot go on like this" Many more bear a frightening inevitability in the comments.
We cannot accept it as an inevitability.
Come on Britain, Wake up.
Write to your MPs your euro MPs Lobby everyone you can.

You dont have to be a rascist to know what is happening is crazy. None of us here at The Patriot are rascists, I have friends from, and an understanding of many cultural backgrounds but it is perfectly easy to see that people fear the extremists and its not like they wear a uniform. At least in the world wars the enemy was identified fairly easily.

It is just as much about that me me me generation as it is about too many people here.
Its as much about the squandering of the country's money, the stripping bare of its assetts, its infastructure and its cultural identity.

Re: Great site but are we not too late

It's never too late,especially if we start now.It's time we stopped looking after the waifs and strays from all around the world.We must be the softest of soft touches,if immigrants are willing to travel thousands of miles to get here.Shut the doors.Stop looking after the minorities and put the British people first!!!!

Re: Great site but are we not too late

Well said Barnsley.
"We should put the British People first"
Everyone I know and most messages on this site have the same theme. The trouble is most ordinary people are terrified to come out and say it for fear of being branded a racist. Do the majority of the British people really want to send billions in aid to tinpot little dictators to spend on lavish lifestyles whist their countrys starve? Or would we rather spend that money on our own homeless, our own poor, our own sick and our own old age pensioners? Do the majority of the British people really want to ban christmas because it upsets a few minority groups? Do the majority of the British people really want to have our sons and daughters killed in some far off middle eastern country fighting a war that can never be won?
I for one know the answers to all these questions and the sooner we get a government who does what the British people want the better.
Do we not all put our family first? Our brother? Our sister? Then what on earth is wrong with or racist about putting Britain and the British people first?
One final point. ALL peoples of the world are different. We will NEVER create a British style democracy in Iraq, Afghanistan or any African country.
So why don't we stop wasting our peoples time,money and above all LIVES and concentrate on our own countrys problems.

Re: Great site but are we not too late

there are petions on 10 downing street site

go sign them now!
