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Magneto id

I have acquired a lucas magneto, the previous owner polished the case removed the label then lost it.
It looks like an Mo1 but when I ordered a pick up the one that came was much to small. It rotates anti clock wise when viewed at the points.
It does not appear to have any other id markings
The four locating point are threaded holes and at a guess I would say 3/8" whitworth
Is there any other way to identify which bike it is off or which id number should be on it, all info greatfully recieved
Can post pictures if that helps


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Re: Magneto id

It's quite difficult without a photograph. A couple of photos would really help.

Nortons were clockwise (i.e. anti-clock viewed from the points end) and used four threaded fasteners, but with pickup next to the engine. They used threaded brass bushes up until about 1940.

Re: Magneto id

Can I use this magneto on my m20 ?

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Re: Magneto id

This is still guesswork with no photos. Rotation is incorrect, but can be altered and you'll need to custom make some threaded dowels for the BSA type of mounting.

Bearing in mind that the AC20 BSA type are probably the most common, it seems like a lot of work.

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