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Re: Bantam John (Sheffield Motorcycles)

I’d like to make it clear that the previous post on this topic was not made by me. Whilst I have not posted on this forum for quite some time I do still read it regularly. I have no knowledge of the matters being discussed within this thread.


email (option):

Re: Bantam John (Sheffield Motorcycles)

I've asked admin if they'll check out the IP address's of certain contributors. Ron

email (option):

Re: Bantam John (Sheffield Motorcycles)

Sorry should have said my names Chis JOYCE Walton on T

Apologies for any confusion or offence!

Take care

Re: Bantam John (Sheffield Motorcycles)

I'm not accusing you Chris. But if someone is using your name, it needs to be checked. Ron

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Re: Bantam John (Sheffield Motorcycles)

:laughing: :laughing: ....

email (option):

Re: Bantam John (Sheffield Motorcycles)

No this is Chris JoyCE, not JOY. Appears that is someone else.
Can’t comment on what exactly has happened but it does appear there’s some truth in the above. I couldn’t give two hoots about the man but it does make me very wary buying anything from there anymore. It seems to have rightly ruffled some feathers but regardless of what others views are, if it is true I dont blame people for being angry.

Take care everyone

Re: Bantam John (Sheffield Motorcycles)

I can confirm John Phelan is still alive, and is aware of the aligations regarding Mr Johnson.

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