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For some reason reminds of the right stuff movie.

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Its a still from the movie The Master which we discussed here a while ago. Iv seen it and while there isnt much motorcycle content, it is a good yarn about the adventures of an alcoholic ex serviceman returning to civvy street.

Re: Forum photo

Peter Stowe
Its a still from the movie The Master which we discussed here a while ago. Iv seen it and while there isnt much motorcycle content, it is a good yarn about the adventures of an alcoholic ex serviceman returning to civvy street.

Missed that discussion. What conclusion was reached on the fact that it's a Beezer with Norton tank?

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Re: Forum photo

I think it was concluded it was the best way to make a 'Norton' that was reliable... .....Ian

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Re: Forum photo

Ian Wright
I think it was concluded it was the best way to make a 'Norton' that was reliable... .....Ian

Re: Forum photo

Check out from min 09:00 to 09:17:


The movie is called "Love sick Alex" (Israel, 1986)
A movie about youth and maturing in the austerity of Israel of the 50's..


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Ian Wright
I think it was concluded it was the best way to make a 'Norton' that was reliable... .....Ian

I thought we decided that Norton's were too exclusive and rare to smash up for a film, whereas M20's are 2 a penny

I think you get the idea how the other post went on

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Re: Forum photo

Ian Wright
I think it was concluded it was the best way to make a 'Norton' that was reliable... .....Ian

I thought we decided that Norton's were too exclusive and rare to smash up for a film, whereas M20's are 2 a penny

I think you get the idea how the other post went on

Think I get the point!!

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Re: Forum photo

They were certainly 'rare and exclusive' on the 65th... ...Ian

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Re: Forum photo

There'll be a few there this year so we don't get bored of looking at M20's

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Re: Forum photo

They had better get a move on so, they are still scarce these nortons !!



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I happen to know the inside scoop on this very bike. It was built here in Los Angeles for the aforementioned movie "The Master" by Glory Sales and Service. Glory specializes in movie bikes, and I have helped them with a couple of bikes with custom electronics and LED set ups.

That bike is the result of the Art Director visiting the shop one day and deciding he liked one of the Mechanic's Model 19 Norton. The producers of the movie arranged to have the Norton available for the movie. Problem was, the Norton dropped a valve a few weeks after the visit. So... a local M20 was enlisted to stand in for the Not-run. The tank from the Notrun was grafted, and a few bits were added to dress it up.

By the way, Glory is doing a bang up buisness lately selling replica bikes from the movie "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo." They did the CB 350's in the US version of that movie. I worked on the GI Joe and Oblivion bikes.


Re: Forum photo

I know some here in UK who built a replica of the replica non existent bike that Steve Mcqueen rode in 'The Great Escape' Ron

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Re: Forum photo

Ron, what bike was that, a 1950's Triumph twin ?

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Its supposed to be the same one from "Happy Days" but I don't believe a word of it.

Re: Forum photo

A 1961 Triumph Trophy. I believe they had two prepared for the film. Another fact is that Steve was actually riding one of the German outfits that was chasing himself. The wonders of Hollywood film work Ron

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A Gucci advertising bloke had seen a Norton Commando and decided it was a good looking bike that could be used in a Gucci advert. He contacted the Norton motorcycle company who make the new Norton 961s. They dont have any Commandos so they put him in touch with the Norton Owners Club who know my Commando is very standard and original so asked me and my friend if we would allow our commandos to be used in this advert. I treasure my bike having owned it for over 30 years and value its originality, so I said no. My mate allowed his bike to be used, but when it came back it was in a bad state. Where the stumt man had rode through the exploding glass a lot damage had been to paint, and forward facing aluminium had been gouged. Also they wanted to kick start it and ride away quickly. There wouldnt be time to kick start it and get it into first by lifting the change peddle so at seconds 50 you can see it being kick started and the peddle being prdded down into second gear before being given a high rev drive away. You can imagine how much good several doses of that did for the clutch !!!

I guess the moral of this is if any of us are asked to provide a bike for filming make sure it is going to be treated with care. The money they had on offerd was a pitance in my case and Im glad I didnt get involved.

I wouldnt have minded doing what was nessesary on that girl for them though. Id have done what they wanted to her free of charge.

Re: Forum photo

A sobering story, Pete. To most film makers they're just props. How many Mk2 Jags were trashed for 'The Sweeney' ?

I recall an article in 'Fly-Past', I think, about the owner of a Tiger Moth hired to the producers of 'Out of Africa' discovering at the last minute that the film-maker's intention was to allow it to be damaged and left on location as it would cost less than the recovery, transport and repair costs.

They blew up a hangar at Duxford for 'Battle of Britain' as well, but in their defence did tidy up the place and probably helped its long-term preservation.

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Re: Forum photo

Interesting picture.......I have always wondered what a dry day would look like.

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