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Website Photo

Great photo on the website, but I was just wondering about the Bren Magazine pouches on the front of both bikes. I can see that they would be very handy for keeping tools or sandwiches in, but is there any period evidence for using Bren pouches like this? I'm not being a 'rivet counter', I just like the look and am curious about it.

Re: Website Photo

Bill, I've probably looked at thousands of wartime motorcycle photographs (and have hundereds on file) and I can't think of any 'period' examples. The Yanks had toolboxes on the forks and the Wehrmacht sometimes fitted leather satchels there.

Personally, I'm dead against anything that increases the moment of inertia around the headstock unnecessarily. I certainly wouldn't do it to a decent-handling motorcycle like a Norton.

Re: Website Photo

Ahh, But a BSA can handle it, But why would A motor cyclist carry Bren ammunition, very unlikely, I have only seen one photo of a bike with a bren on it, its in O and Ms , book ,a WNG if I recollect correctly, sten mags yes bren unlikely Andrew.h.

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Re: Website Photo

I see Peter S has posted a picture of bikes with Bren pouches hanging on the front. Andrew most soldiers had Bren pouches as standard on their webbing equipment. It was just a means on carrying ammo to where ever it was needed. It looks like these guys have hung their pouches over the headlamp. Ron
 photo Scan-140220-0001_zps19341990.jpg

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