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Re: UPDATE : 01/10/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Fucked Up - "Chemistry Of Common Life"
at #19

Re: UPDATE : 01/10/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

I just wanted to say:

I really admire STEFAN for regularly creating and updating mega-critic every month, for I don't know how long it has been now. I mean, something he didn't even have to do. It's Henrik's site, after all. But STEFAN took it upon himself to add this excellent feature, and he has continued to diligently update it, finding all the pertinent data and always trying to be as updated as possible.

As a result, I use STEFAN's mega-critic as my primary source for new music. Yes, that means I use this more than metacritic.com now. I find that, overall, STEFAN stays more up to date than the editors of metacritic. And, most importantly, STEFAN is more thorough, adding 200 EOY lists into his calculations in November-January. This is not an easy job at all, and I admire STEFAN for being able to not just begin doing it, but having the work ethic to continue doing it, for a long time now.

I just want STEFAN to know that there are people out there, like me, who pay attention to every one of his updates, who consider this feature a great help to us. I hope he knows that all of his efforts aren't going to waste.

Thank you, STEFAN, and keep up the great work.

Oh, and my guess: Deerhoof, at number 22.

Re: UPDATE : 01/10/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Deerhunter #18