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Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

It already dropped from a 91 to an 88 on Metacritic so I'm guessing it's already losing some of it's edge.

Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

I've listened to it once and I don't get it.

I liked Cookie Mountain, but this one... Idon't know
Too intellectual for me. I don't really like intellectual music.
Their funk is cold and numb. The lyrics are pretentious.
They sound like some unfunny Outkast, or the worst Bowie era.
But I might change my mind after reêated listens..

Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

i think it's fairly forgettable... a good album, but not a great album. it will probably be in the top 5 for this year, but it won't challenge any of the best albums of this decade. i liked return to cookie better.

Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

TV On The Radio is a critics' favorite. I mean a lot of people loved that album even before they heard it. You could tell exactly which magazine would love it; in France, it's Les Inrockuptibles. So of course in the beginning it got a lot of 4 or 5 stars ratings, and then it started to drop.
Last week Telerama (a paper I love) gave it 2 stars.

Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

It's a pretty good album, but after a dozen or so listens it's also losing my interest a bit. Still might make it to my annual top 10, though.

I do like the funky bits, that does not feel cold and pretentious to me.

And I would not so much refer to Bowie from the 80's, but hear more Prince.

Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

After hearing it more and going to a TV On The Radio show, I think it has a few really great tracks then several just above average tracks. (Which is the same way I feel about cookie mountain, tracks 1-5 great, the rest just above average.)

I don't think it's fair to accuse people of deciding to like the album before they heard it. I'm sure it was predictable who would like it, but that's like predicting who will enjoy a hamburger more, a meat eater or a vegan. Every magazine's staff has it's own tastes, and obviously liking one eccentric pop album is going to correlate with liking another one.

Also, have you noticed that when a critic's darling band gets critical praise, people say 'Oh, they're just a critic's darling'. But when they release a bad album, they get slammed immediately, called overrated, blamed for their hype, and their success unjustly attributed to Diplo.

Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

I'm not sure where I stand on this one. In one aspect I think critics favorites are favored for good reason. If a band has shown it's ability and creativity in the past the music community should rally around that. But, on the other hand, you hope that critics don't profess blind love. But, I kind of agree that most established acts usually aren't given much leeway after a couple albums. There might be certain critics who have favorites (Pitchfork's unfailing love for Animal Collective comes to mind) but for the most part critics usually tend to be harsher on the vets.

I never did get the hype of TV on the Radio so I'll refrain from my opinions on whatever ratings they get.

Re: TV ONE THE RADIO - Dear Science

One of the reasons why I like this site so much is that it introduces me to superb music I would normally miss out on had it not been for the critics. But sometimes critcs rate music that is easier to admire than to like. I admired "Return to Cookie Mountain" but I could never really get into it. "Dear Science," on the other hand, I can't get enough of. An album that strives to make experimental music popular? What's wrong with that? It's euphoric and engaging. What a rare and wonderful combination.