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Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

Thanks, Stephan - great lists, as always.

Hate to even bother mentioning this, since it has no impact on anything, but the Pixies' "Holiday Song" is listed twice, once as "The Holiday Song".

Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

sorry stephan!

(thanks honorio!)

Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

Thanks, Stephan, and welcome back from not being away

Prince wins, no real surprises in the top 10's.

Then 2 further corrections for the albums, that don't really make a difference to the end result, but anyway:
- The Lonesome Jubilee from John (Cougar) Mellencamp has 3entries in the list, all together good for 37+7+1=45 points.
- Sting has two entries, good for 10+18=28 points

Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

No big surprises, a lot of 'last good album from big 80's bands that is not as critically acclaimed as their earlier stuff' for me to consider whether or not to get.

I already have Warehouse, based on Tim I probably wouldn't like Pleased To Meet Me, so that only leaves Strangeways.

Also Tunnel of Love, which I am ambivalent about because I love Nebraska but am not as big on his arena sounding stuff.

Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

Great work, Stephan!

Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

So, Alex Chilton made the top 10?

Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

instead of a lame "No, but Paul Westerberg did" joke:

yeah, John, in case you haven't noticed yourself by now, according to Stephan's updated spreadsheet "he" is. hoo. ray.

Re: Forum Poll: The Best Albums and Songs of 1987

I'm in love with that song!