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Re: The Acclaimed Music Artists Poll: The Top Ten!

I was looking at the full 1,000 artists in order, and saw Curtis Mayfield somewhere in the 700s because it shows Vgrd spelling it Cutis, so Curtis Mayfield is really #97 instead of #101.

Re: The Acclaimed Music Artists Poll: The Top Ten!

Georgie- you're right! Sorry, everyone, and Mr. Superfly!

Re: The Acclaimed Music Artists Poll: The Top Ten!

#3 Radiohead. Does not appear in my list...at all. While I confess that repeated listens to OK COMPUTER and some of their albums have given a BIT more appreciation for Yorke and the lads..and I now actually like "Karma Police", "Fake Plastic Trees" and "House of Cards" (as well as "Creep" which I always liked) I still feel they're VASTLY overrated. Maybe IN RAINBOWS is the album that changes that for me...I'm liking it more than I have any other Radiohead so far.

#2 Dylan was my #11. Right now I only own compilations by him but a copy of BLOOD ON THE TRACKS and HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED (or is it HIGHWAY 51?) are in my future. It seems I like a LOT of his songs.

#1 The Beatles were my #2 just behind the Beach Boys. If you think that's sacrilege, ask Paul McCartney what the best album ever made was. Hint: He will NOT say it was a Beatles album.

Re: The Acclaimed Music Artists Poll: The Top Ten!

The leap from OK Computer to Kid A is possibly the greatest change in the direction of a band, ever. Each of the guys in Radiohead basically had to re-learn their role within the band, which I can't imagine gives a warm-and-fuzzy feeling after you've just struck artistic gold with an album of such immense popularity and acclaim. If that's overrated... well, shit... where does that put all of the bands of the last 15 years who HAVEN'T released a seminal piece of dystopian pop art and then have done a complete one-eighty into apocalyptic electronica?

Re: The Acclaimed Music Artists Poll: The Top Ten!

The Curtis Mayfield correction unfortunately means that LCD Soundsystem gets pushed out of the top 100. So it goes. "When someone great is gone..."

Re: The Acclaimed Music Artists Poll: The Top Ten!

I'm so pleased that Curtis (belatedly) made it! Though it's too bad an important '00s artist like LCD gets dropped? Maybe we can just agree to asterisk Queen out of the list.