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Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

That Fleet Foxes album is rellay wonderful
Looks like a lost gem from 1967-68

I agree, Nicolas!

Curious about that new entry from the senior Randy Newman.

And I wouldn't mind winning a CD of ... TV on the Radio.

In other words, Dear Science is my tip for September!

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

reviews are pouring in lets see if the album stand the test of time

congrats to TV on the Radio for solid consistency

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Excuse me for asking, but what is "Mega-Critic" exactly? At first, I thought it was some reviews-collecting site I hadn't heard of, so I searched for it on google and nothing came up.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Ah, forgive me. I spoke too quickly. Found the explanation thread for Mega-Critic. Nevermind.