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Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Well that's not saying much. Of all the #1 acclaimed albums of the 00s (including Fleet Foxes so far this year)this is they lowest of all in my list. I'm sure whatever the #1 acclaimed album of 09 is will probably be better than TV on the Radio.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

question about the chart: why are there big gaps between rankings in "the bubblers" ?

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

brennen, a ´Bubbler´ is a New-Entry or a Pole-Position beneath the Top 50. The gaps between are positions with descending CDs.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

why is a best of the #1 on Metacritic. I thought Metacritic doesn't review compilations.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

The clincher for TVOTR is that it will be reviewed equally in the US, UK, and Europe, and that's the only way to do really well with this formula.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Tim i disagree acclaimed has Neon Bible #1 of 07 and Dear Science is a better quality album ... I had In Rainbows at #1 but I guess journalists needed to redeem themselves for not reviewing Funeral when it first hit.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

sorry htims ... tim means the actual (2008) # 1 in the Meta-Critic-Chart which is Steinski´s Retrospective.
which I also don´t get.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Yup their in need of some updates too. They wont post peoples comments anymore. The new Verve record has close to 50 posts yet not one can you read.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

I'm gonna go with Death Magnetic because I don't like TV on the Radio that much. I wouldn't mind owning Death Magnetic though.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

I agree with you both about META-Critic. But their number 1 album is never legit, and I also don't believe they normally review compilations ... oh well ... also quick question is BON IVER considered 2008 release or will it be filed under its 2007 self release, just wondering.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

I listened to the new TV on Radio and Fleet Foxes are staying @ #1 for sure!

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

bet you my bottom dollar it wont...

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Neither will TV on the Radio. If Arcade Fire are going to have two #1 albums back to back TV on the Radio have a less likely chance of doing the same.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Also keep in mind this chart is based on reviews, and acclaimed music's ratings are based on lists. Fleet Foxes got great reviews, but I don't think it's going to be on quite as many end of the year lists as stuff like TVOTR, Portishead, Bon Iver, etc.

The new Metallica is really good. It's weird, it's like they actually listened to all the fans who've been yelling at them since Load came out.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Poor Vampire Weekend have already been passed off as old news. I hope they get some recognition during the year end lists.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

That Fleet Foxes album is rellay wonderful
Looks like a lost gem from 1967-68

I agree, Nicolas!

Curious about that new entry from the senior Randy Newman.

And I wouldn't mind winning a CD of ... TV on the Radio.

In other words, Dear Science is my tip for September!

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

reviews are pouring in lets see if the album stand the test of time

congrats to TV on the Radio for solid consistency

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Excuse me for asking, but what is "Mega-Critic" exactly? At first, I thought it was some reviews-collecting site I hadn't heard of, so I searched for it on google and nothing came up.

Re: UPDATE : 31/08/08 : MEGA-CRITIC : Best Reviewed Albums Of 2008 So Far (With Competition)

Ah, forgive me. I spoke too quickly. Found the explanation thread for Mega-Critic. Nevermind.