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Re: What is your RYM user name?

So far the first AMer in my compatibility list is... Henrik (Frazze) at nb.20

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Andre: Yeah, I look in here from time to time, particularly this time of year when the EoYL come. :-)

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Good to hear from you again, Dr. Robert. Last time was at RYM, where your recommended a Teenage Fanclub album to me.

BTW, I put my review of Wilco's Sky Blue Sky also on RYM, and somebody (administrator?) put it on the main page. Quelle honneurs!

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Hey guys, I'm adding a bunch of you. My username is johnfgillson.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Same as here: musictoad

Re: What is your RYM user name?

What is all of your criteria for stars? It seems you guys are really generous!

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Ha! My #1 on compatibility is dr_Robert. Is that because my friends have him on their list, or is it a very strange coincidence?

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I've gone completely OCD with this thing (combined with my massive free time at work) and started rating singles. My guilty pleasures are going to be outed.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

RYM user name is: brumblepie

Re: What is your RYM user name?


Re: What is your RYM user name?

I posted and it put it in the middle of the thread for some reason... Anyway I just joined RYM and my user name is "FatherMckenzie"...

Re: What is your RYM user name?

hahaha, cool jem. I saw you added me as a friend on rym the other day, then I come here and see you post about joining rym.

You need to rate and catalogue more stuff on rym!!

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Ya I know, right now I just want to post my 200 an make comments on all of them, I got about a 30 page paper to write so I'm trying not to get too obsessed

Re: What is your RYM user name?

C'mon, it's all about priorities, jem! Get yours in order!

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Everytime I research an album it always seems like you've rated it, musictoad. But, you've only rated 600 albums so you must have just listened to everything I'm interested in hearing!

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Time to resurrect this topic.

I've gone a bit crazy with sorting for RYM. It's kind of like an addiction at this point. Anyway, my RYM username is HeroicPenguin, in case anyone cares to add me.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

cwfarley2 on RYM; Henrik is my number 2 compatible; of course, I think that's a function of his rating 1,600 albums. But then again, I'm not the statistician! I like your taste Penguin. I really like Boxer by the National, and it seems like Alligator might be good too. Henrik, glad to see I'm not the only one who didn't care that much for Boys and Girls in America.

Re: What is your RYM user name?


Re: What is your RYM user name?

Just create my account.
My username is Nassim
I'm quite surprised it was not taken before !

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I have a user called frazze as my #1 too (same one?)
The bar doesn't look very long though!

My username is Comodo.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

There's only one frazze and that's me! (Although here I'm simply Henrik.)

I don't know why I'm so compatible with everyone, but my collection pretty much looks like the AM list and that probably helps.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

It's strange given the differences in our tastes. I'm hideously pop-oriented in comparison. I guess most AM people have a few hundred highly-rated items from the top end of the list in common though, and the list is bound to have a number of items that might not be in other common top album lists.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

my name's boneykingofnowhere
whether this is relevant or not, idk

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I love that RYM puts a little note on your user homepage now when friends write reviews or make a list. I read all of them now, instead of just when I think about visiting the friends page.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

woot-woo, love RYM
my name is: heylittlehouse

Re: What is your RYM user name?

My username is: bdrose89
It has been a great help for the forum polls here and the obvious cataloging features.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

sorry for bringing this back up, but I thought I should. my RYM is joobalooba. Only got it today, haven't rated much yet.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

i've added a couple of you guys as friends there, feel free to add me. my username is 3 posts above.

I've found sooooooo many really awesome albums there

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I've just decided to start getting active on RYM. My user name is JGov05. Also, I just added a bunch of people from this thread.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I haven't rated a lot of stuff because I mostly do that on my website and to do it twice seems superfluous. Anyway, my username is: Neoptolemos

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I've just created a new account "antonius65"

Re: What is your RYM user name?


Re: What is your RYM user name?

I thought I should bump this thread. My nick is obviously dr_Robert.

Re: What is your RYM user name?


Re: What is your RYM user name?

Since a while ago, you can create your own list of favorite users at http://rateyourmusic.com/test/fav_list. For each album you then go to, you will see the average rating of your favorite users. The individual favorite users' ratings will always be shown in the top of the page.

So Dear AM visitor, if you are a RYM user, I would be very pleased to add you to my list.

By the way, my name is frazze.

This is funny. I added you as a friend some time ago while I didn't even know you were the Henrik of AM. I added you because you quite high in my compatibility list! Number eight currently.

My RYM name is the same as my AM name.

Re: What is your RYM user name?


Re: What is your RYM user name?

Added a bunch of people since I finally got around to rating a decent number of albums.

Henrik is #2 on my compatibility list and Andre #6, the latter makes sense but I'm not sure Henrik and my tastes are really that compatible.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

Henrik is #2 on my compatibility list too. He must have a very eclectic taste in music.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I seem to be in top of everyone's list. My guess is that my collection is "AM-formed" and therefore similar to a lot of people's collections. Yes, my feeling is that the compatibility ranking is based on collections rather than taste, which isn't optimal.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I'm HeroicPenguin

Dr Robert's been my number one comparison for quite a while now. Other AMers are on that list too.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

I'm adding all of you as my RYM friends. We AMF people gotta stick together. ;-)

Re: What is your RYM user name?

SuperFurry77 is my tag - although I haven't rated that many albums on there.

Re: What is your RYM user name?

hey AlRog, just realized you're the one who made the RYM Buttnumbathon list. great idea & thanks for doing that, i've found lots of cool people through that list. i'm grmaurer over at rym. and you should join in on our movie polls here, we're in the middle of 1983 right now.

Re: What is your RYM user name?
