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Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

Spice Girls: Wannabe

Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

everything from that childish bbc-kid-schedule. even mr. blobby's self-titled anthem was an incomparable shame... and that likeable stuttering guy, what was his name..? scatman john? not among us anymore? that's a pity, ok, but his contributions had been pure crap. netjade, please mark "scatman' world" for your list... r.r.

Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

No Pixies Songs, please no Pixies Songs!!!!!