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No offense was taken! I'll be the first to admit to being off-kilter on many things, including music (and lists!)

Having a deep connection to an artist and/or his/her material is a special thing. My love of Prince's music has helped me to overcome difficult times (and that is what art is at its best), and it also led me to meet the love of my life. I would have had no chance (ok, very little chance) of meeting her otherwise as she lives on the opposite side of the world. Now we're engaged and I'm immigrating to Australia.

Although I'm a crazy fan of Prince (and some other artists), I'm still able to see his (and their) faults, and I can certainly understand that Prince is not for everyone (Dumbangel for one).

Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

Moonbeam, it's very cool that Prince has led you to love. What a beautiful story ! It shows how important and influent music can be in someone's life. It takes a large place in my life too, in good and bad times. God saves the Prince !

hmmm... lost your way

just a kind reminder... this post is not about how many Prince songs you intend to worship or even tend to add to a starless moony night, he's about the shady opposite, that somewhat filthy jacko wacko stuff: all the disciples of taste you'd like to curse or condemn whenever there's no t.a.f.k.a.p. and no love symbol all around, just the heir of warner bros. and a police academy movie that might pretend to get you through your hardened dreams... so whatever it'll take to take a grimy look at the evilminded part of your record collection:.. be merciless and don't make hostages - - be negative, be snappish, be worthwile.

and thanks for the discussion so long..

Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

Netjade, why are you so aggressive ? What's the problem with you ? Haven't I the right to say that Prince is not my cup of tea but that I'm glad for Moonbeam that Prince has made him found the love of his life ?
I think you should relax, have a drink and get away from you the bad vibrations.

Re: dumbangel: Netjade, why are you so aggressive ? What's the problem with you?

Naaaaaaag........ you're right, dumbangel. relaxing surely would do some good to me... and oh my gawd, i'm in bad need of some tavor... "dirty mind"'s pretty cool by the way. sorry for that martial mind..
you goddamn hippies...... :-) (juuuuust kidding. you know i like you)

Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

Spice Girls: Wannabe

Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

everything from that childish bbc-kid-schedule. even mr. blobby's self-titled anthem was an incomparable shame... and that likeable stuttering guy, what was his name..? scatman john? not among us anymore? that's a pity, ok, but his contributions had been pure crap. netjade, please mark "scatman' world" for your list... r.r.

Re: don't bother: be destructive: songs you don't wish to see in a.m.'s greatest song poll

No Pixies Songs, please no Pixies Songs!!!!!