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Share Your Testimony Of God's Love.

"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev. 12:11.

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Healing Testimony

The lord has always been a part of my life, as i grew up in a very religious family. As i got older i started to grow away from God unknowingly. I was corrupted by the evils of the world. Well, one day i started to get very ill. And it got worse as time went on. I became very depressed. I turned to God. I prayed and prayed. I realized that i was not living the life the Lord wanted me to live, so i gave up everything bad in my life. I started going to church regularly and fasted. I trusted the lord. I had faith that i would be healed. After a few months i started gettting better. I took a test and it came back that i was healthy. NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH ME ANYMORE. I praiased God for his healing and turned my life around. I was touched by the Holy Spirit. Glory to God Always and Forever!....with God nothing is impossible!