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"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev. 12:11.

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to give a prayer shot to God for someone who is having a tough go with brain cancer.Please.

Re: Cancer

Hi Magee.
Being the owner of the forum in which you added your entries I was quite touched by your words and what you and your husband are now facing. I don't know which site you came across as I have rebuilt the Testimony site the URL being The original tripod site is still floating around out there somewhere. I don't know much but the one thing I do know is that our Lord and Saviour is also our great physician who not only wants us well but is so desiring to heal us. I have had a number of trials since becoming a believer on the name of Jesus some eleven years ago some of which I wrote about on the site, I being a PTSD Vietnam Vet have not always displayed a good Christian attitude but still the Lord has honoured me with breakthroughs in the trials we have faced. One that comes to mind is on the site URL... when you have time have a read, I was bit of a baby Christian at the time I put that page together, now we face the biggest trial the enemy has yet thrown our way, my wife of thirty six years, Barb suffered a stroke in the January of this year leaving her a badly handicapped. There are bright sides to our present situation though, Barb for the first time in our married life has to do as I say, ha, I get to learn how to not quite destroy good food, I get to watch our bank account disappear having had to close our business. The greatest of all being I now get to wait and see what the Lord will do as I have no one else I can truly rely on, and look forward to the Blessed Hope. URL...

I can truly understand how you guys are feeling at the moment but there is one thing no two I would bring to your mind out of Gods word.
Psalm. 34:19. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Also
James. 5:14. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
5:15. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

I guess you could put it this way:- "Pray, Do, Believe, Trust, Receive and that old Wait bit not faltering." I will keep you both in my prayers so hang in God is faithfull to his to His every word.
God Bless.
Till He Comes.
Bob Haughey,

PS. While you are here take a moment to explore our coastal country community.
A Beach 'N Reef Motel, Queensland, Australia.