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"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev. 12:11.

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crazy rides..mysterious God

The LORD has saved me so so many times. I am greatly involved with horses, i love them like crazy! well i take lessons a lot and in one particular lesson, we were talking about how one of the horses there has been being neglected by the had not gotten shoes for almost 3 months. It was a clydesdale(draft horse) and i would be riding him. we had to stop in the middle of the ride, one of the horses was acting up so we all got off. while i was holding the clydesdale,Mentor, and when he saw the crop he tried to run the other way...but instead pulled me under him. After he had gotten off of me it occurred to me that God had been there. If Mentor had shoes I would have easily been paralized, or broked a zillion bones. instead i got out with bumps and bruises. God works in the most mysterious ways!

Crazy Ride

My most recent accident happend the other day. i was riding A bay thoroughbred mare named Alex, and we were going into a trot when she decided to rear! I managed to stay on. Then she began to buck and buck! i could see her head between her legs, her ears were pinned to her head and i picked up some more rein and mane and prayed God would have mercy on me. So she got on all fours again right after i prayed. After checking the mare's tack to check if there was a problem(there wasnt) so we continued. Then she began again, this time she nearly rolled over on her back, she bucked and bucked but God gave me the strength to stay on. when Alex had gotten back on all fours, My instructor got on her. She did the sae thing, but my instructor could barely stay on...there were no grips in the stirrups....God had obviously willed my feet to stay in the stirrups. He had answered my prayers. I couldnt imagine what shap id be in if i had fallen off. This horse had never acted this way while a child(like me!) was on her back! We can only pray it is a one time thing! I was laughing at the thought of me on that bucking bronco! I was only 12 and am getting ready for the rodeo! God blessed me so many times! and the week before we rode bareback, i rode alex, and she bolted! it was my very first time bareback! as usual, God willed me to stay on. but then as Alex ran toward the fence...(electric)...i prayed to God she woulsnt try to jump it. Right in front of it she stopped, i flew forward...i was going to go head on into an electrical fence! i cried to god for mercy..again...adn right before i got to the fence the mare jerked her head up sending me back on to her back! God had saved me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-In christ,