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"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev. 12:11.

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How Awesome

How awesome that people find God in so many different ways, just like He is all things to all people.

I accepted Jesus and fell in love with Him on September 21st, 1972. I was one of the Jesus Freaks as they used to call us, from the end of that period of evangilization.

It was 8:00P.M. because it was the last time I looked at the clock as I was trying to fall asleep. My roommates were all gone and I spent many evenings alone, day after day. I too had a horrible and abusive past and I too have healed so, so much in 30 years.

I got out of bed and got on my knees and asked God to come into my heart that I had reached the end of my rope and I had already tried to commit suicide many times and always failed. I told Him if He was really real He would hear my prayer and if He wasn't, I had not lost a thing by praying. Within seconds of this prayer as I asked to be forgiven of all the things I could think of that could be as sin, I literally felt the presence of God and I began to cry and then the joy filled me up and I began to laugh!! I laughed and cried and read my bible which I had never understood, ever. But that night no matter what page I opened up to, I understood what was meant by the scripture.

I laughed and cried and was caught up in the Spirit until 4:00A.M. the next morning!! Exhausted I finally fell asleep for a few hours to wake up to go to college the next day.

30 years that began that night. Never has the Master failed me, never has He not loved me, never have I felt that He left me to never return.

I have walked with sorrow and with joy, and both have taught me many things about life, people, myself, and the Lord of course!!

Praise God

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