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Share Your Testimony Of God's Love.

"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev. 12:11.

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Wait on the Lord, no matter what!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let anyone know that if you are going through something like I did when I became unemployed for the first time in my life since I started work as a sixteen year old, hang in there. I nearly lost my mind. Nine months of being unemployed after having worked at one company for ten years. Let me tell you something, I cried so much until I couldn't cry tears anymore. But I kept praying. I felt like God wasn't listening to me. I felt like well maybe he hears me but his answer is still no. I was so depressed. I kept praying though because I know the God I serve had taken care of me too many times before this time. I knew that even though he wasn't blessing me in my newly broke and unemployed circumstance, it didn't mean that he couldn't. God is in control. I surrendered all. I was humbled by the very little help I recieved and was thankful to him no matter how small. God blessed me nine months later with a great job and lots of opportunites ahead. If you're going through, continue to trust God no matter what. He's not going to do it according your schedule or plan but he will bless you if you trust him. He is an awesome God and there is no one who can bless you like he can. Be careful not to let the devil talk you out of your blessing and out of believing that God is going to take care of you in a mighty way. And don't let the words that preceded out of your own mouth snare the blessings of your life that God has just for you. Job, baby, husband, wife, new home, bills paid, sickness, children out of control, recession, depression, etc! Whatever it is, trust and wait on the Lord no matter what and you will see the power of the Lord work in your life in a magnificent way! Be encouraged and God bless you all!