The Official Message Board/Feedback Forum of The AGCS Network

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The Official Message Board/Feedback Forum of the AGCS Network
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Cats like me are few...

Like quoted earlier, cats like me are few. That's only because I can type! Oh, so are you an unbeliever as well? Then visit my site. Sure, the archives need to be updated to #88, but having done a newsletter for such a long time (each week) is still amazing, even in a cat. Go and see pictures on my site as well. You may ask why there are no pictures of me actually typing, but the answer to that is simple. First, I don't want my humans to catch me typing. That would be foolish. Secondly, none of the other pets in my household can work a camera!

So, it is left to this simple question: do you believe or not?

Re: Cats like me are few...

A typing cat, huh? Well, I still find it hard to believe, but I did really enjoy your website!